
Mastering Incident Response with automated tabletop exercises

Why Table-Top exercises are necessary?


Identify and rectify security gaps within the incident response plan


Enhance incident response capabilities by replicating cyber incidents and playbooks


Foster collaboration and communication among teams


Comply with regulatory requirements

Challenges with traditional methods


These exercises require all participants to be physically present in one location.


These ppt exercises often rely on verbal discussions, with limited opportunities for interactive engagement.


Discussions and injects are managed manually, which can be cumbersome and inefficient.


Limited ability to capture real-time responses and feedback, making it difficult to accurately assess and improve incident response capabilities.


Conducting ongoing simulations of recent threats due to lack of real-time adaptability and the logistical difficulty of getting all participants together physically.

Solving traditional challenges with WarRoom


WarRoom allows stakeholders to participate remotely, eliminating the need for physical presence


Automates the management of events (injects) and responses, streamlining the process


WarRoom enhances data collection and analysis by capturing responses in real-time


Provides ongoing updates and new scenarios to keep exercises relevant and dynamic

Benefits of using WarRoom


Improved efficiency and effectiveness of tabletop exercises by automating key processes


Enhanced collaboration and communication between the CISO and senior management ensuring alignment on critical security strategies


Better preparedness for real-world incidents through realistic and dynamic scenarios

Key features of WarRoom

Diverse Template

Access a wide range of templates covering various security scenarios.

Survey and Feedback Capture

Collect survey questions and campaign remarks to assess and understand the attendees' perspectives.

Investigate Feature

Investigate Feature Use investigate feature to check the issues in DMARC, SPF and DKIM records by only sending an email.

Moderator-Driven Exercises

The course navigation is centrally controlled by the moderator for all attendees.

Template Flexibility

Supports the use of custom templates brought by the user.

Progist chatbot

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